Tuesday, 31 May 2011

in rehearsal


Link to video shot by Sebastian Gonzalez during last weeks of rehearsal prior to work in progress showing on May 26th

Wednesday, 4 May 2011

What's in a name?

We were all set to go. Venue booked. Accommodation covered. Just the Fringe registration to go. ...’er, not so fast' says my man at Zoo...’we've got a show called one fine day in the studio’ What are the chances of that?
Well with 2500 shows in 25 days - quite high I suspect. In fact I’m surprised it doesn't happen more. On second thoughts I shouldn't be surprised at all. It happened to us before...Crime of the Century was all set to be christened 'Boy 25' until it turned out another knife crime piece called ‘Boy X’ was already touring schools in London so it was hastily re-titled.

So One Fine Day has become Slender Threads...the title on this occasion comes from a line in the show...All our dreams are weaved from slender threads. That line in itself was inspired by an article I read in the National Geographic about Fraser Island in Australia...a paradise of sand dunes connected by slender threads of sand that give way under your feet...that seemed an apt...our lives are held together by the slenderest of threads that can snap at a moment’s notice.